Plant trees today or every month to have an impact on the environment.

Plant Trees for Biodiversity

Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth in all forms and interactions, thrives in healthy habitats where nature can recover after ecological disturbance. Reforestation is essential for this process.
$5 $20 $50 $100

Trees Help Prevent Flooding Trees Reduce Global Temperatures Trees Improve Air Quality Trees Provide Habitat for Biodiversity Trees Grow Nutritious Food Trees Improve our Health Trees Clean the Planet

We're on a Mission to Reforest the Globe

Global Reforestation

We work with local planting partners in more than eighty countries, across diverse ecosystems, to fund large-scale, high-impact projects.

Established Non-Profit

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental charity that makes it simple for individuals, businesses, and foundations to make an impact around the world.

Positive Impact

Every One Tree Planted project is done in partnership with local communities and environmental organizations. Together, we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a lasting social impact.

We’re Supported By

Our Partners

Project Overview

We are facing a climate crisis and the rapid loss of Earth's remaining wild places. As we lose habitats, we also lose biodiversity. This is where trees come in! Reforestation helps to restore at-risk ecosystems and habitats, ultimately increasing food supply, health, and overall well-being of amazing animals.Your donation will help to restore forest cover in Uganda, Australia, and the Pacific Northwest. Reforesting these areas will aid in the protection of endangered species, restoration of holistic ecosystems, and improvement of soil stability.

With the presence of a regenerating forest, we will create a haven for biodiversity. This brings a wide array of habitats, leading to a significant increase in species numbers. The restoration of degraded areas will also result in better soil stability, ultimately improving forest cover as a whole!