Do you ever wonder what happens after forest fires? Fire ecology — or, study of "the origins of wildland fire and its relationship to the living and nonliving environment" — can help us understand. Fire ecologists study the origins of fires, what influences their spread and intensity, their relationship with ecosystems, how controlled fires can be used to maintain ecosystem health, and what happens in nature after fires have occurred. They recognize that fire is a natural component of many ecosystems.
There are three main principles of Fire Ecology that help us understand the role of fire in our natural landscapes.
In some ecosystems, fire has historically played an integral role in shaping and maintaining the landscape. As a result, many native plant and animal species have developed unique strategies to withstand blazes. Here are a few examples of how plants and fungi have adapted to fire:
Some species require fire reproduce, including California’s giant sequoias: their serotinous cones are glued tightly shut with pine resin, and require concentrated heat to release the mature seeds inside. Other species, like shrubs and annual plants, are triggered to grow by the chemical signals in smoke. In many forests, there lays a rich soil seed bank just waiting for the right conditions.
Some species (such as the Australian grass tree) are thermally insulated against fire by their bark, dead leaves, or moist tissue. Some trees (including giant sequoias), have thick, fire retardant bark that can be burned without damaging their vital tissues. Others are protected by tissues that are moister than usual, which provide thermal insulation reduce dehydration.
Many species (including several Eucalyptus) will re-sprout if they sustain damage during a fire. In many cases, they have specialized buds that are encased in bark. When the bark burns, the buds can emerge, producing new leaves and branches. Some shrubs and many herbaceous plants rely on underground structures that allow them to come back, even if the above-ground structure has been destroyed.
Fungi can also benefit from forest fires — and the experienced mushroom hunter knows that recent burn sites are among the best places to find morels and boletes.
Fire can change the composition of the soil itself, volatilizing nitrogen and other nutrients for seeds contained in the soil seed bank. Species like Fire Lily and Indian paintbrush are just a few examples of fire-activated wildflowers.
Over millennia, many species have developed adaptations to fire where it occurs naturally. The majority of the fires they were exposed to were of low to moderate severity.
Today, the length of fire seasons, the frequency of fires, and the amount of burned area, are trending upwards. When severe fires occur, the scale of loss may mean that naturally adapted regeneration strategies will not occur. When this is the case, reforestation can help.
Want to help us restore forests that have been destroyed by wildfires? Learn more about what we're doing to help and support our Forest Fire Fund today!
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