Good News! 5 Positive Environmental Stories from September

by Gabrielle Clawson September 27, 2024 3 min read

Good News! 5 Positive Environmental Stories from September
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5 Positive Environmental Stories from September 2024

Fall has officially arrived! It's time to break out the fall candles and pumpkin-flavored pastries. Although nature might not be abuzz like it is in the summer, there is still plenty of great environmental news we can celebrate together. 

As we venture into this new season, let’s talk about all the remarkable things that happen around the world worth celebrating. Here are five positive environmental news stories to help you through the transition of season!

1. East Sussex Dogs Help Rewild Urban Lewes

There is truly nothing dogs cannot do. Be man’s best friend? Check. Become an integral part of our families? Check. Help rewilding urban areas in East Sussex? Also, check. 

Rewilding is the practice of restoring natural processes and biodiversity by allowing nature to take care of itself. It’s an act of conservation that reduces human activity and reintroduces species. In East Sussex, dogs are now participating in this impactful conservation mission. 

These hardworking pups are dispersing wildflower seeds throughout urban nature reserves in Lewes. Seed dispersal is a crucial part of rewilding. It helps attract bees and other pollinators to these areas, promoting a healthy biodiversity and ecosystem. These dogs are truly doing the most important work, helping to build a better tomorrow!

2. Beekeeping In Concrete Jungles

We’ve all heard about the Save the Bees movement. Declining bee populations have pushed this movement to the forefront of many environmental discussions. Beekeeping has often been seen as a rather unconventional hobby, but it’s now gaining momentum in a world where bee populations are dwindling.

In some of the world’s biggest cities, urban beekeeping is on the rise. Many city dwellers are helping to improve bee populations by tending to hives in their backyards or even rooftops.

Pollinators, like bees, are a crucial part of many healthy and thriving ecosystems. Without pollinators, environmental ecosystems would suffer immensely, and they could even collapse. Urban beekeeping offers an array of different environmental benefits, crucially promoting urban sustainability. 

3. The Time For Optimism Is Here

As the world continues to warm, news cycles tend to focus on everything that’s going wrong in our environment. From raging wildfires to rising sea levels, there doesn’t seem to be a lot to feel optimistic about. But we’re here to tell you that the time for optimism is now!

New data has shown that we are currently on the precipice of positive change in the climate fight. That means momentum is on our side, and we can’t stop fighting the good fight when it comes to climate change. 

It’s so easy to succumb to this fatigue of nothing ever being enough when it comes to making an environmental impact. There’s only one you, and there’s so much that needs to get done. We get it. But keep in mind that activism fatigue often pushes you towards the side of inaction. Positivity is crucial to keep the hope moving forward. We need the inspiration of optimism.

The momentum is here. We have the means to truly make a difference, so let’s keep doing it! 

4. New Bee Species Discovered

Turns out, September was a great month for bees! From beekeeping in the world’s cities to the discovery of new bee species, it truly is an exciting time for bees all around the world. 

While many major cities around the world are taking to beekeeping, new species of bees are being discovered across states in the US. These discoveries are a beacon of light amid declining bee populations. 

With the sighting of these new species, that doesn’t mean the fight to increase bee populations is over. These new species still need our help to protect them and ensure we can meet even more new populations for generations to come. 

5. California Governor Signs Bill To Ban Plastic Bags At Checkout

Paper or Plastic? In California, this eternal supermarket question is eternal no longer.

Governor Newsom, the state governor, took a step towards an even more sustainable California by banning plastic bags at the local grocery store checkouts. Now, Californians will need to bring their reusable bags because of this major environmental win. 

Plastic often provides more environmental downsides than positives. While it can certainly be convenient, the havoc it wreaks on our world’s oceans and natural landscapes outweighs any benefits it might provide. California has taken the first step in banning plastic use everywhere, and hopefully, we’ll see other communities follow suit!

We hope you enjoyed reading September’s good news stories as much as we enjoyed featuring them! Remember, there is good in the world if you know where to look for it. And if you want to create your own good news, you can benefit the environment by planting trees!

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