One Tree Planted, Boomhi, and atlasGO Build a Creative Campaign to Launch a New Brand

by Meaghan Weeden March 02, 2021 3 min read

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What do a reforestation nonprofit, a sustainably made sock, and a fitness app have in common? Trees, of course! When our partner Boomhi wanted to launch their sustainable brand in an exciting way, we knew just what to do: develop a fitness initiative that would get people out in the great outdoors, moving and staying healthy, and connecting in a fun + safe way while also gaining visibility around the launch of Boomhi.

Making Nature Accessible to Everyone

The creators of Boomhi previously developed a neuro-haptic technology and wove it
into specialized products that helped improve the quality of life for people with mobility
issues. After over 10 years of helping people move through life with less pain, they developed a sustainably made sock and launched their new brand, Boomhi, that connects the inherent value of their technology with positive environmental impact. Because we all know that healthy movement plays an important role in our enjoyment of the great outdoors.

Boomhi has developed a new neuro-haptic technology called Elevated Mind
Technology (EMT). This technology is a pattern that is woven into their socks. Contact
with this pattern triggers a neural response in the brain that help create feelings of joy,
happiness, and optimism. Pretty amazing, right?

So how could they get the word out about this awesome product and its sustainable impact? Cue partner One Tree Planted and AtlasGO, who proposed a Fit4Trees campaign to tangibly connect fitness with reforestation! Together, we created a user experience that leveraged our communities so that anyone could participate at no cost thanks to Boomhi as the sponsor for a combined total impact of 50,000 trees!

woman running
Atlas Go Fit4Trees activities

Engaging with the Community

Sponsoring the fit4trees campaign was a creative way for Boomhi to highlight their brand while planting trees with One Tree Planted and engaging thousands of people to enjoy COVID-safe activities in the great outdoors. People were invited to walk, hike, wheelchair, run, bike, swim, meditate, do yoga, garden, pick up trash, and dance to the tune of 50,000 trees. Here's how it worked: 

  • Participants were able to engage in a range of fitness activities via the atlasGO app. Each going at their own pace, within their abilities, and doing as much or as little as they liked.
  • Participants were able to engage in a range of fitness activities via the atlasGO app. Each going at their own pace, within their abilities, and doing as much or as little as they liked.
  • The app experience was fully branded with a combined partnership, and shared across our social media channels and other communications.
  • Every activity added up towards the 50,000 trees goal, funded by Boomhi, and planted by us in the Pacific Northwest.
  • To increase engagement, everyone who participated was entered into a raffle with 100 Boomhi socks + 10 One Tree Planted t-shirts as prizes.
fit4trees sweaty selfies

The Sweaty Stats

Here's how it all added up:

  • 2,306 active sweaty changemakers paricipated for over 67,416 hours
  • 242,700 kms traveled (That's 6 times around the world!)
  • 33,746 activities were submitted  
  • 2,735 selfies and pictures posted on the atlasGO app
  • 1,255 comments posted on the feed to motivate one another
  • 17,544 virtual (virus-free) high-fives

Positive Impact for Nature

The trees were planted primarily in Oregon and Washington state, benefitting ecosystems both on land and in the ocean. This conservation effort aims to support the endangered Southern Resident Orca whales, whose health and habitat depends on cleaner waterways and salmon populations - both of which trees enhance when planted along river riparian zones that feed into the ocean.

In addition to trees for the sake of coastal ecosystems, this project also helped to restore areas that have been damaged by the recent 2020 wildfire season, which burned over 1 million acres in Oregon alone.

A Win For Everyone

Thank you to Boomhi for making this campaign possible + for planting 50,000 trees with us in Oregon

Boomhi® are earth-friendly socks produced out of reclaimed plastic and embedded Elevated Mind Technology. They are dedicated to enhancing the human condition and giving back to the environment, creating a healthier climate, protecting biodiversity, and helping reforestation efforts around the world. Learn more about them here.

AtlasGO is a Benefit Corporation specialized in running virtual community engagement campaigns for Corporations and Nonprofit organizations. Throughout the campaign, they shared blogs, stories, newsletters, and hundreds of pictures on Social Media to showcase the initiative. Find more info about atlasGO here.

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