One Tree Planted is excited to announce that we have partnered with Ancient Forest Society, who are experts in seed collection and preservation. Behind the scenes, we have been working diligently to address barriers to restoration work in California, which include seed collection, seed availability, and nursery space. The first phase of this program will be piloted in Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks in California, where we have identified a critical and immediate need for giant sequoia seed collection.
“Ancient Forest Society was founded to help land managers protect ancient forests in a time of rapid environmental change, and our partnership with One Tree Planted to collect and bank giant sequoia seed aligns perfectly with our mission. Fostering the next generation of giants is essential to the continued survival of the world’s largest trees. Giant sequoias are powerhouses of carbon sequestration, habitat provision and human wellbeing. Ensuring that intact, healthy giant sequoia forests persist is critical to our fight against climate change.” said Wendy Baxter, Program Manager, Ancient Forest Society.
Giant sequoia trees and forests are the largest and among the oldest trees on earth and represent a unique biological and evolutionary legacy. They provide critical wildlife habitat and create ideal microclimates for endangered species, including California spotted owls, Pacific fisher and numerous other bird, bat and mammal species.
Forests around the world are facing unprecedented threats, and the mixed conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada, home to magnificent giant sequoia and sugar pine trees, are no exception. Climate change, drought, severe wildfires, insects and pathogens present novel threats to the health of these globally significant forests. In two years alone — from 2020 to 2021 — up to 19% of mature giant sequoia trees perished in severe wildfires, eliminating an important component of the sequoia's genetic heritage and a critical seed source for natural regeneration. Bark beetles are also now emerging as a new impact on previously impervious giant sequoias that have been weakened by severe fire and drought.
“One Tree Planted is proud to partner with Ancient Forest Society to collect and bank giant sequoia seed.” said Kyleigh Hughes, Senior Project Manager at One Tree Planted “In the face of increasing climate change impacts, working to secure the future of the iconic giant sequoia is critical to restoring forests in California.”
The spiritual and cultural value of ancient forests is immeasurable. Giant sequoias are wonders of the natural world and have captured the imagination of people globally.
They serve as persistent reminders of resilience and deep time. Protecting these iconic species ensures that communities and individuals will have access to the extraordinary natural spaces they provide. Merely walking among them provides individuals with a sense of wonder and wellbeing and a desire to ensure these ancient organisms persist long into the future.
In the face of climate change, forest fires, insect infestations, and more, the need to collect seed for genetic conservation and future reforestation is more important than ever. Ancient Forest Society, together with One Tree Planted, is collecting seed throughout the giant sequoia range to meet this critical need. Once collected and processed, the seeds will remain safely stored until they are needed. This partnership will enable State and Federal land managers to allocate additional resources to this effort, amplifying its impact.
About ANCIENT FOREST SOCIETYAncient Forest Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working to study and protect ancient trees and forests in a time of rapid environmental change. We conduct scientific research to understand ancient trees and forests and how environmental change is impacting them. We use science, visual media, and outreach to educate people about the value of ancient trees and forests as well as threats to their survival. We work with agencies, universities and other partners to protect and conserve ancient trees and forests into the future. To get involved, learn more and donate, visit:www.ancientforestsociety.orgAbout One Tree PlantedOne Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their projects span the globe and are done in partnership with local communities and environmental organizations to create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife. Reforestation helps to restore forests that have been degraded or deforested, provide jobs for social impact, and restore biodiversity habitat. Many projects have overlapping objectives that contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
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The Grove is more than just a monthly giving program: it's a vibrant community of individuals who are dedicated to reforestation and environmental restoration on a global scale.
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