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    Good News! 6 Positive Environmental News Stories From August 2023

    by Gabrielle Clawson August 29, 2023 3 min read

    Good News! 6 Positive Environmental News Stories From August 2023
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    Good News From the Month of August

    The last month of summer is coming to an end. Put away the pool noodles and grab your pumpkin spice lattes! In North America, deciduous trees will soon be filled with bright reds and beautiful oranges as nature transforms before our very eyes. With one final wave goodbye to summer 2023, let’s celebrate some positive environmental news that happened in August to close out this summer season –– and keep the impact coming this fall!


    Dogs are the Barbie of the animal world. There is truly nothing they cannot do. From medical dogs to seeing-eye dogs to rescue dogs, these amazing companions do so much for us. All of these types of service dogs are doing vital work, but there’s one category that we don’t talk about often enough: conservation dogs. 

    These precious pups are trained to save our planet and make an impact on the environment! Conservation dogs are adopted from shelters, and they get to curl up in loving homes after a hard day's work. These pups work across three different continents to help end wildlife trafficking, spot invasive species, monitor endangered species, and even help environmental justice.   


    Two-day shipping. Curbside pickup. Grocery deliveries. Oh my! There are endless ways to shop nowadays. From apps that allow people to do the shopping for you to curbside pickup, people are stepping into stores less and less. With all of these added perks, we sometimes don’t consider the environmental impact of grocery deliveries. 

    Alexander Torrey understood the environmental implications of these services and decided to make a difference. He created The Rounds, a zero-waste grocery delivery service that operates across the United States in four major cities. This delivery service works a little differently than typical ones. Instead of using disposable containers, The Rounds uses reusable ones that can be collected at delivery, sanitized, and used again for future deliveries.  


    Time and time again, we see that young people are the backbone of the climate fight. They are passionately  working hard every day to preserve the beauty of our environment for years to come. 

    In many cases, this hard work pays off immensely, especially at a local and state level. Local teens in Montana celebrated a major win when a judge ruled in their favor, accusing the state of violating their right to a healthy environment. The trial primarily focused on Montana’s greenhouse gas emissions, their contribution to climate change, and the effect of climate change on younger generations. This ruling declared that any laws promoting fossil fuels in Montana are unconstitutional, bringing a big win to these inspiring young eco-warriors!


    Have you ever stocked up on perishables, only to throw them away on garbage day? We’ve all been there. It’s all too easy to buy too much food that ends up going bad before we have a chance to eat it. It happens quite often all around the world, and its prevalence makes food waste a big problem. 

    In Geneva, a non-profit organization is attempting to cut down on food waste by opening free-access refrigerators that people can utilize to give or take food that would otherwise go bad. Not only does this amazing initiative help with food waste, but it also helps promote food security, allowing anyone to take as much as they need before the food goes bad. Reducing food waste is a major environmental win, and helping to improve food security is a major community win!


    Ecuadorians have come together to protect a vital part of the Amazon. In a recent referendum, the citizens of Ecuador voted against oil drilling in a protected area of the Amazon Rainforest. This means that the state oil company will have to cease and desist operations there. 

    This is a major environmental win, but it also highlights the incredible power that communities have when they come together. Ecuadorians united to protect a vital biodiversity hotspot and the home of two uncontacted tribes. The Amazon is an important ecosystem for the entire planet. By protecting this area, the impact will be felt for generations to come!


    We all have that one compartment in our cars that contains an endless amount of receipts. With emails and the virtual world at our fingertips, paper receipts are becoming increasingly obsolete. Many brands now provide paperless options to keep track of your finances, and it helps the environment. 

    France has now become a leader in paperless receipts. Ending the printing of non-essential receipts will help save trees around the world and make an impact on deforestation. Customers will still be able to request a receipt if they’d like one, but it is no longer compulsory at all establishments, reducing the amount of paper being printed. 

    We hope that you enjoyed reading August’s good news stories as much as we enjoyed featuring them! Remember, there is good in the world if you know where to look for it. And if you want to create your own good news, you can positively impact the environment by planting trees where they are needed the most!

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    Gabrielle Clawson
    Gabrielle Clawson

    Gabrielle helps with fundraising and marketing, working with peer-to-peer fundraising as well as business fundraising. With experience in both women's rights and climate change organizations, she has a strong passion for non-profits and is excited to make an impact in the world through environmental change!