Good News! 7 Positive Environmental Stories from January 2024

by Gabrielle Clawson January 30, 2024 4 min read

Good News! 7 Positive Environmental Stories from January 2024
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7 Good Environmental News Stories from January that Will Make You Smile

The first month of the new year has flown by. While you’ve been working hard to meet your fitness, nutritional, and financial goals, positive environmental stories worldwide have surfaced. As January comes to a close, let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the amazing things nature has accomplished this month! 

Hopefully, these stories remind you that we can find positivity everywhere. Even amid global challenges, we can always find something good to celebrate if we look for it. 

Here’s to starting 2024 off on the right note with good environmental news from around the world!

1. A California Startup Is Finding Unique Ways to be Sustainable

In a world where single-use plastic is prevalent, it’s easy to lose sight of how many things are made of plastic. From our food wrappers to snack bags, single-use plastics are ubiquitous — and many find their way into our oceans. 

A startup in California is dedicated to making a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic using seaweed. Sway is a California-based organization that uses polymers found in seaweed to make compostable alternatives to thin-film plastics. 

Traditional plastic can take up to 1,000 years to decompose, but Sway’s innovative plastic bags biodegrade in about four to six weeks, making it much more sustainable than conventional plastic.

2. Hawaii Replaced Its Last Coal Plant With A Battery

With a giant battery replacing the state’s last coal plant, Hawaii is a leading example of how grid functions can be switched from fossil-fueled plants to clean energy. 

As clean energy continues to grow in popularity, many individuals remain skeptical. How can a grid function reliably without fossil fuels? Is clean energy reliable enough?

Hawaii is answering that question for everyone: yes, you can have a functional grid without fossil fuels. You just need a giant battery. Instead of generating power, the battery system absorbs it from the grid and delivers cheap, sustainable energy when required. 

3. An Indie Band Takes To Music To Protest Climate Change

Whether you clean up trash at a local park or donate to organizations combating climate change, every action makes an impact. Some TikTok creators have found a way to make an impact that relies on their musical talents: protesting through song. 

An indie band called Melt is utilizing the power of music to make an impact. The band was beginning to feel frustrated by the world’s leaders' lack of response to climate change, and “Walk to Midnight” was born to educate their fans and inspire them to get involved. 

No matter how you choose to act, always remember that every positive action helps! No action is too small.

4. A Black-Led Non-Profit Promotes Inclusive Biking

In the city of Chicago, many historically Black and Brown communities experience systemic barriers that prevent them from biking or accessing eco-friendly transportation. A non-profit called Equiticity is working to make neighborhoods and cities more liveable and accessible to Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities –– primarily by increasing access to eco-friendly transportation.  

Not only does this initiative help the environment by enabling more people to use sustainable transportation, but it also benefits marginalized communities by improving health and increasing access to transportation resources. 

5. Ex-Fishermen Teach Children How to Protect Their Environment

Children are the world’s future leaders and must learn how to protect themselves and their environment. Three former shark fishermen are stepping up to the plate and helping children understand how they can protect the environment. 

The Dorsal Effect is an ecotourism company that empowers former shark fishermen to find new career paths. Every week, the team takes groups, tourists, and schoolchildren to pristine locations to learn about marine conservation. This organization also brings in marine biologists to host lectures with even more learning opportunities for students. 

Protecting the environment for the world’s future generations is essential, and ensuring children understand how to continue that legacy is just as important. 

6. A New Oak Tree Could Save Sumatra’s Orangutans

Trees play a significant role in the preservation of many wildlife species. Wildlife depends on trees for several reasons. From food to shelter, trees provide animals with almost everything they need to survive. As it turns out, a newly discovered oak tree species is helping the survival of the endangered Tapanuli Orangutan.

This oak tree’s acorns are an essential food source for these great apes, proving the vital role trees play in the continued survival of many wildlife species. 

7. Let’s Hear It for the Squirrels

Squirrel Appreciation Day was on January 21, so let’s learn more about these unassuming tree-dwellers. If you have a bird feeder or potted plants, you’ve probably been privy to a small squirrel poking around. While we typically don’t think twice about squirrels when we see them, they have a pretty important role in the environment.

Usually, squirrels bury their food to protect it. During the fall, they will collect seeds, nuts, and other food to ensure plenty during the winter. They will bury whatever they can’t consume for the wintertime, marking it with their scent to preserve them. 

These buried seeds and acorns are often forgotten, allowing new trees to sprout in various places, making squirrels one of nature’s best tree planters. 

We hope you enjoyed reading January’s good news stories as much as we enjoyed featuring them! Remember, there is good in the world if you know where to look for it. And if you want to create your own good news, you can positively impact the environment by planting trees!

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