For hundreds of years, humanity's progress has increasingly come at considerable cost to nature and the environment. This trajectory is largely responsible for the state of the world's forests today. The 2022 State of the World's Forests report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is filled with the latest stats about deforestation and reforestation, tree cover and the benefits of trees. The report also identified key strategies we can implement globally to build as brighter, greener and more inclusive future.
The verdict? Trees and forests have clear potential to meet the need for equitable, cost-effective climate solutions that can be implemented rapidly at scale around the globe.
As an action-oriented organization, we really appreciate the clear framework they've laid out for pursuing these opportunities in a holistic way that balances addressing the climate crisis with creating economic benefits that change lives and improve livelihoods — particularly in rural communities, where a vast majority of the world's poor reside.
What Is the State of the World's Forests in 2022?
While we couldn't possibly list all of the stats found in the full 166-page report, here are a few (okay, maybe a little more than a few!) that feel particularly relevant:
At COP26, over 140 countries pledged to eliminate forest loss by 2030, and to support restoration and sustainable forestry, allocating 19 billion dollars towards supporting developing countries that are working towards these goals. This was a step in the right direction, but equally as important is uniting around a clear path forward, which will require seismic policy shifts and significant on-ground implementation. The 2022 State of The World's Forests report provides 3 clear pathways, backed up by rigorous research and data-based projections, to provide significant climate and environmental benefits while enhancing local sustainable development, capacity and resilience. They include:
In addition to protecting our incredible global biodiversity, halting deforestation and conserving existing forests could help prevent the emission of 3.6 +/- 2 giga tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) per year from 2020-2050. This would constitute around 14% of the carbon emission reductions needed by 2030 to keep warming below the critical 1.5 °C point. In short: the benefits of halting deforestation far exceed the costs.
On the flip side, ecosystems that are at risk of deforestation an forest degradation contain at least 260 Gt of irrecoverable or difficult to recover carbon — particularly in peatlands, mangroves, old-growth forests and marshes. And unless significant action is taken, an estimated 289 million hectares of forests are projected to be deforested between 2016 and 2050 in the tropics alone — which would result in the emission of 169 GtCO2e. This, of course, would make it much more difficult to keep warming below 1.5 °C.
The data suggests that 1.5 billion hectares of degraded land would benefit from restoration — and that increasing tree cover could boost agricultural productivity on another 1 billion hectares of land. Achieving this via afforestation and reforestation is a cost effective way to remove an estimated 0.9–1.5 gigatonnes of carbon from the atmosphere per year between 2020-2050. In fact, according to 1 estimate, restoring 350 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by 2030 could actually deliver a net cost-benefit of 0.7-9 trillion dollars, or, $7-30 for every $1 invested.
With over 4 billion hectares of forest and farmlands being managed by family farmers, smallholders, forest communities and Indigenous Peoples — and with agricultural expansion being the primary driver of deforestation, these stakeholders will play a critical role in implementing the changes needed. To this end, forest and farm producers need more incentives to restore degraded forests and shift to a sustainable agroforestry model that protects our vital ecosystems while also providing sustainable livelihoods for the people and communities that directly rely on forests to survive and feed their families.
Research estimates that our global population swelling to 9.7 billion people by 2050, which means that competition for land will grow significantly in the future — with an estimated 35-56 % increase in food demand by mid-century. Coupled with the fact that agroforestry systems tend to be more resilient in the face of climate change and other environmental shocks, this is all the more reason to support sustainable agroforestry. Need more convincing? Depending on factors like the ecosystem and local conditions, agroforestry can support 50-80% of the biodiversity found in natural forests, increase food security and nutrition, and increase crop productivity. Seems like a no-brainer to us!
Driven primarily by construction and packaging, the demand for forest-based biomass is expected to continue to rise exponentially. And with global consumption of all of our planet's natural resources expected to more than double from 92 billion tonnes in 2017 to 190 billion tonnes in 2060, the plain truth is that the future we want to build must be built with renewable materials — and we need to create the green supply chains that will underpin our new sustainable economy.
That's a lot of demand for forest resources, especially when we're losing an estimated 10 million hectares of forested areas to deforestation each year. The only way to meet that growing demand, is to protect existing forests — and increase our global forest area by planting trees and implementing sustainable forest management. If done correctly, this can support a green recovery, green jobs and a transition away from non-renewable or emissions-intensive materials that wreak havoc on our climate and environment.
For any of this to happen, current governmental policy needs to shift to diverting financial flows away from activities that harm forests, and incentivizing investment in restoration, conservation and sustainability. To support this, financing for all 3 pathways would need to at least triple (with more than 200 billion dollars per year going to forest establishment and management alone) by 2030 to meet the climate, biodiversity and land degradation neutrality targets that have been set by our world leaders.
Smallholders, local communities and Indigenous Peoples own or manage nearly 1/2 (or 4.35 billion hectares) of the world's forest and farm lands. Engaging these key stakeholders, who generate a gross annual income of approximately 1.29 trillion dollars, is critical if we want to sustainably scale up implementation on the ground. And the momentum is there! As of 2022, over 8.5 million producer organizations around the world help local groups participate in and support green recovery.
Companies that operate within forest-based value chains will be essential partners in co-developing circular economies that maximize the life span of raw materials and minimize the waste that products create from cradle to grave. Many of these companies are already opting to use forest products in place of materials that have a higher climate change footprint.
Further down the supply chain, local forest growers and processors can benefit from strengthening their ties with buyers and growing their capacity. Scaling up these actions doesn't come without financial risk, with smallholder investments taking on the biggest ones if supportive policies and institutions are not there for them to fall back on. Climate-change associated risks like increased vulnerability to wildfires, pests and drought, will also need to be managed. However, the risks associated with continuing our current global trajectory are larger, and will only compound for future generations. That's why it's so important to redesign our supply chains and support change at every link from start to finish.
If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done, you're not alone. But here at One Tree Planted, we believe the future is bright — and green!
Planting trees is just one piece within the larger mosaic of action needed, but from restoring old-growth forests to empowering rural smallholder farmers with life-changing sustainable agroforestry trees, we've seen the incredible things that we can accomplish when we're working together towards a shared cause. Join us as we work, together with our incredible business partners and reforestation partners, to build the future we want — one tree at a time. Plant trees today!
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The Grove is more than just a monthly giving program: it's a vibrant community of individuals who are dedicated to reforestation and environmental restoration on a global scale.
As a member of The Grove, you affirm your commitment to restoring forests, nurturing biodiversity, and fostering positive global change.