Plant Trees
  • Plant trees for impact and help restore ecosystems around the world! Plant trees

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  • Comprised of lesson plans, learning modules, resources, and activities, our T.R.E.E.S. School Program is the perfect addition to your curriculum. Learn more

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    corporate SUSTAINABILITY through global reforestation

    akamai sustainability mission

    Akamai believes it is our responsibility to help create digital experiences that are fast, smart, and secure, all while caring for the larger environment. In light of the current Covid-19 pandemic, it's more important than ever to connect people with each other, and to ensure healthier ecosystems for the future of our customers, communities, and planet. Reforestation will help to make this long-term impact.

    STEP 1: review projects

    Review the four chosen projects by Akamai: California, Pacific Northwest, Amazon Rainforest or India.

    STEP 2: choose a project

    Choose which of the available projects is most interesting to you and fill out the form below.

    STEP 3: one tree planted

    After choosing a project, Akamai will plant a tree in the chosen region on your behalf!

    available PLANTING projects

    explore planting projects in 4 global regions

    Pacific Northwest

    The Endangered Southern Resident Orca have called the stretch of Pacific Ocean from Northern California to British Columbia home for millennia.

    Every year, as the Orca's migrate North to South and back again they rely on the West Coast Chinook salmon for food (nearly 80% of their diet). However, salmon stocks are diminishing due to loss of habitat and increasing pollution - ultimately impacting the Orca downstream.

    Planting trees along rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest restores habitat for the endangered orca. Trees help reduce pollution and improve the health and quantity of salmon for the orca to eat! Learn more about how trees, salmon, and orca are all connected in our blog story.



    More than 60% of Peru is covered by the Amazon rainforest. This reforestation project is home to over 10 percent of the world's bird species. The goal is to restore and protect the "buffer zone" between Tambopata National Reserve, Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, and the city of Puerto Maldonado.

    This area has been identified as a high risk zone for deforestation and degradation due to unsustainable agricultural practices in the region. Planting trees here will help conserve habitat for the Jaguar and hundreds of other species living in the protected areas, while providing sustainable livelihoods to local people.



    California's forests provide innumerable benefits, including clean water and air, recreation, timber, habitat, and beautiful scenery. Healthy forests also play an important role in addressing climate change.

    Five years of drought and a large-scale bark beetle infestation have seriously damaged California’s forests. 2017’s record-breaking wildfire season burned more than 1.3 million acres – an area the size of Delaware.

    Now, a record 129 million trees need to be restored in California.



    Home to over 4.5 million people and part of the largest halophytic mangrove forest in the world, the Indian Sunderbans is characterized by the breathtaking beauty and incredible biodiversity.

    Today this vital ecosystem is under threat from the relentless expansion of non-forest land use into mangrove forest areas, mostly for fishery and farming. This degradation is amplified by climate change, which brews near-constant cyclones and storms in the region—resulting in huge losses of forest cover. In November 2019, Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, survived the wrath of cyclone Bulbul thanks to the Sunderbans.

    And with 80% of the world’s fisheries depending upon mangroves, they aren’t just important to Indian coastal communities, they’re essential to local and global food security.


    why treeS?

    Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. They also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.








    choose your project