In a world dominated by concerning headlines, it can be easy to overlook the quiet but powerful strides being made toward a more sustainable future. If there’s anything we’ve learned this year, it’s that there’s always good news to be found, if you just know where to look. From the discovery of a tree that was thought to be extinct, to widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies, 2024 has seen many positive developments for the planet. In this post, we’re taking a moment to reflect on some of our favorite environmental news stories that brightened our feeds this year.
With a giant battery replacing the state’s last coal plant, Hawaii is a leading example of how grid functions can be switched from fossil-fueled plants to clean energy.
As clean energy continues to grow in popularity, many individuals remain skeptical. How can a grid function reliably without fossil fuels? Is clean energy reliable enough?
Hawaii is answering that question for everyone: yes, you can have a functional grid without fossil fuels. You just need a giant battery. Instead of generating power, the battery system absorbs it from the grid and delivers cheap, sustainable energy when required.
Trees play a significant role in the preservation of many wildlife species. Wildlife depends on trees for several reasons. From food to shelter, trees provide animals with almost everything they need to survive. As it turns out, a newly discovered oak tree species is helping the survival of the endangered Tapanuli Orangutan.
This oak tree’s acorns are an essential food source for these great apes, proving the vital role trees play in the continued survival of many wildlife species.
Trees are nature’s best defenders. Planting them is the ultimate way to combat climate change. Studies have shown that reforestation has helped substantially mitigate the effects of climate change in the eastern United States.
The eastern U.S. was historically covered in vast forests, but from the late 18th century to the early 20th, significant forest cover was lost to deforestation and land degradation. Around 15 million hectares of forest have been restored, highlighting a remarkable ecological recovery.
Thanks to their climate-regulating benefits, forests can act as natural air conditioners. Because so many eastern U.S. forests were restored, they are helping keep the region cool in the face of rising temperatures everywhere, showcasing how effective reforestation can be.
Parenting can be hard on a good day. And parenting in a world where you must teach your kids about climate change and systemic disadvantages presents additional challenges.
The good news: parents will no longer have to create their own syllabus when covering these important topics. There’s a new platform that can help!
“Future Chicken” is an “eco-tainment platform” that makes it easier for kids to understand pressing issues like climate change — with a huge focus on climate solutions.
For all the parents out there, Future Chicken airs on Canadian television and streams on YouTube around the world!
When we think about mitigating the effects of climate change, reducing emissions and removing greenhouse gasses that have already been emitted are a vital part of the equation. Some of the world’s best climate defenses lie in natural ecosystems.
From forests to wetlands, many ecosystems are already doing exceptional work to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere. A new study at the University of Washington has discovered a new wetland type. These wetlands are called “cryptic wetlands.” Because they are covered by forest canopy, they are hard to access by aerial shots. Because of this, national databases may not hold an accurate picture of the number of wetlands out there.
This study showcases the importance of locating these hidden wetlands to ensure they’re protected for generations to come.
Innovative solutions for wildfire prevention are on the rise. One approach is bringing some of the wooliest solutions: goats and sheep. Targeted grazing is taking shape to help achieve land management goals that will ultimately reduce wildfire risk.
Target grazing, or managed grazing, allows sheep, goats, and other animals to graze in specific areas. Not only will these practices help reduce wildfire risk, but they will also help reduce overgrazing and land degradation. This Earth-friendly approach helps the environment on multiple levels, reducing the risk of forest fires while also helping ensure landscapes remain whole and healthy.
With the threat of climate change looming, it’s easy to become fixated on the doom and gloom –– especially when many younger people are getting their information from social media platforms. As a result, climate doom can foster inaction and anxiety in many people.
Young content creators across all social platforms are taking matters into their own hands. By sharing research-backed information with a wide range of audiences, these content creators elevate hopeful climate news that inspires action and impact.
Clean drinking water is a human right. In an effort to ensure its citizens are afforded this right, the US has introduced a new limit on toxic “forever chemicals” in drinking water across the nation.
Known as forever chemicals, PFAS are persistent in the environment, lasting for thousands of years. They were invented in the 1930s to repel oil and resist heat and are commonly used in nonstick cookware, firefighting foam, and moisture and stain-resistant clothing. The new limit on these chemicals will help provide cleaner drinking water, reducing PFA exposure for approximately 100 million people.
Conservation efforts around the world are helping endangered species by protecting nature now and in the future. The recent birth of a Sumatran elephant calf at Way Kambas National Park in Indonesia marks important progress in conserving this critically endangered species.
Sumatran elephants are considered to be on the brink of extinction, and the global population is estimated to be between 2,400 and 2,800 today. Way Kambas National Park in Indonesia is working hard to ensure these majestic animals can continue to exist.
What started as a petition demanding the conservation of a critically endangered bird in India has evolved into a climate justice movement across the country. When the writ petition made its way to the Supreme Court of India, their subsequent statement declared people also have the “right to be free from the adverse effects of climate change.”
This landmark statement may just set the precedent for further action on climate justice cases globally, and we all have the Great Indian Bustard to thank.
Pollinators, such as bees, play a critical ecosystem role. Around the world, bees pollinate almost 90% of wild plants. But as we know, bees are in danger. Colorado has just taken their first steps to protect these buzzing pollinators.
The new Colorado legislature has declared bees “as animals too” –– meaning any existing wildlife programs and funds can now help protect bees across the state. By protecting bees, we can help protect entire ecosystems. Colorado has taken a great step toward saving our bees. Hopefully, other states will follow suit.
The European Union’s Nature Restoration Law has been approved after months of deliberations. This brand-new law represents a commitment to restoring Europe’s damaged ecosystems while boosting biodiversity.
Now, you may be asking yourself: how will this be implemented? Well, the Nature Restoration Law aims to restore 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, while fully restoring all degraded ecosystems by 2050. By restoring and revitalizing degraded ecosystems across Europe, this law is a major win for nature across the continent!
As we continue to see warming weather patterns and increased natural disasters, national parks need a way to defend themselves against the worst effects of climate change. Many national parks across the United States are already undertaking conservation and restoration projects to help restore and revitalize their lands.
Under the Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022, US National Parks have received $700 million in federal funds to help facilitate these projects. The work doesn't stop there. While the Inflation Reduction Act certainly helps, there’s still so much more that needs to be done. But it’s a big step in the right direction!
You’d be hard-pressed to find someone that doesn’t love sea turtles. Many of the world’s anti-plastic movements were started specifically to help them.
Turns out, our passion for sea turtles might have made a difference. On the Gulf Coast of Florida, Anna Maria, a beautiful barrier island known for its broad beaches, has grounds to celebrate a milestone win for sea turtle conservation.
In early July, volunteers counted a total of 546 nests on the island, effectively breaking a 42-year record. This is a major win for conservation efforts in Anna Maria and for sea turtles alike!
As more and more clean energy solutions are developed around the world, Portugal is on a mission to build its largest wind farm by early next year. This wind farm will provide a tremendous amount of clean energy, and surrounding ecosystems will also be protected as part of the initiative.
This initiative will help plant fruit trees, restore ponds, and install nest boxes for bats, ensuring a more holistic approach to protecting and conserving the environment — while providing local communities with safe, clean energy.
For years, scientists have feared that Millettia sacleuxii trees had gone extinct. As botanist Andrea Bianchi was driving through the Nguru Mountains in eastern Tanzania, he spotted two of these long-lost trees.
Millettia sacleuxii trees were so rare that there isn’t an English name for them, but now scientists have found hope once again. Since Bianchi found the two trees in the Nguru Mountains, thousands of seeds have been collected and germinated to ensure the restoration of the species.
Off the coast of Solomon’s Island, what was once thought to be a giant shipwreck turned out to be the world’s largest coral colony in the Pacific Ocean. The entirety of the colony measures out to be 112 by 105 feet, making it larger than Earth’s biggest animal–the blue whale. In fact, this colony is so large that it can even be seen from space, but somehow remained unviewed all these years.
The researchers who discovered the coral highlight its good health but stress the numerous threats facing coral reefs all over the world. Many hope this discovery will spark additional marine protections off Solomon’s Island to protect these critical ecosystems.
Denmark is known for only having 15% of its land covered by forests. Now, Danish lawmakers are working to increase that number through a large-scale reforestation initiative to turn farmlands into forests and wetlands.
Over the next two decades, a billion trees will be planted across 10% of the country’s farmland to convert the land into natural habitats and ecosystems. From forests to wetlands, these ecosystems will promote biodiversity. In fact, the Danish government has called this “the biggest change to the Danish landscape in over 100 years.”
Many social movements around the world are considered intersectional – meaning, they impact more than the focus issue or population. Because let’s face it. The women’s movement doesn’t just help women. It helps all humans. The climate movement doesn’t just help the environment. It helps all people – especially those who are disproportionately impacted by climate change.
Because of this, environmental movements provide a great opportunity to uplift and empower women around the world. In Indonesia, Rose Huizenga has begun training local women to set up coral restoration projects. The goal of empowering these women is to close the gender gap in marine science. In doing so, this initiative is working to build a strong network of female leaders with the power and knowledge to protect their local environment, uplifting previously unheard voices.
In 2026, about 15 tauros are going to be reintroduced to the Scottish Highlands. This monumental conservation project will hopefully help restore biodiversity, store carbon, and enhance eco-tourism. This project, led by Trees for Life, aims to replicate the ecological role of the aurochs, an ancient, extinct species that thrived in Europe for millennia.
The reintroduction is said to hold great promise for the surrounding environment and climate. Due to the size of these bulls, they tend to interact with their environment more than their counterparts. As large grazers, they will help promote the growth of native plants and create habitats for wildlife.
This rewilding is a huge step in the world of conservation, and will hopefully inspire similar projects around the world.
We live in the age of consumerism. We see it all around us. From social media ads to commercials about the next latest and greatest smartphone, there’s truly no escaping it.
But here’s the thing: constantly upgrading our phones, purchasing items we don’t necessarily need, and everything in between is incredibly harmful to our environment. With that said, there’s hope yet. A new study has found that despite a growing pessimism about the state of our environment, consumers are becoming more diligent with their buying power.
A steady increase in the purchase of eco-friendly and sustainable products has been recorded in the US, highlighting many consumers’ willingness to support the climate through their purchases. While this is certainly a step in the right direction, it’s also important to note that not everyone can afford the luxury of eco-friendly and sustainable products — and that’s okay. Focus on what you can do, because every action matters.
There is truly nothing dogs cannot do. Be man’s best friend? Check. Become an integral part of our families? Check. Help rewilding urban areas in East Sussex? Also, check.
Rewilding is the practice of restoring natural processes and biodiversity by allowing nature to take care of itself. It’s an act of conservation that reduces human activity and reintroduces species. In East Sussex, dogs are now participating in this impactful conservation mission.
These hardworking pups are dispersing wildflower seeds throughout urban nature reserves in Lewes. Seed dispersal is a crucial part of rewilding. It helps attract bees and other pollinators to these areas, promoting a healthy biodiversity and ecosystem. These dogs are truly doing the most important work, helping to build a better tomorrow!
As the world continues to warm, news cycles tend to focus on everything that’s going wrong in our environment. From raging wildfires to rising sea levels, there doesn’t seem to be a lot to feel optimistic about. But we’re here to tell you that the time for optimism is now!
New data has shown that we are currently on the precipice of positive change in the climate fight. That means momentum is on our side, and we can’t stop fighting the good fight when it comes to climate change.
It’s so easy to succumb to this fatigue of nothing ever being enough when it comes to making an environmental impact. There’s only one you, and there’s so much that needs to get done. We get it. But keep in mind that activism fatigue often pushes you towards the side of inaction. Positivity is crucial to keep the hope moving forward. We need the inspiration of optimism.
The momentum is here. We have the means to truly make a difference, so let’s keep doing it!
As temperatures continue to rise, droughts wreak havoc on many communities around the world. Right now, Sicily is experiencing one of the worst droughts seen in European history, but there might just be a light at the end of the tunnel.
A hidden water reserve has been found that could potentially provide 17 billion cubic meters of water. However, there’s a catch: this particular reserve is about 700-2,500 meters below the surface. The government is conducting studies on whether the water reserve could feasibly act as a solution for the drought.
If these studies demonstrate that the reserve is the proper solution, not only could it be a great resource of drinking water, but it could also help agriculture and livestock.
The monarch butterfly is a beautiful symbol of hope and transformation. Pollinators, including the monarch butterfly, play a vital role in the health of ecosystems around the world.
Because of this, the Canadian government is investing in the restoration of their habitats. This program is designed to improve the connectivity between important
Over four years after murder hornets were first discovered in the U.S., officials announced that they have been eradicated from the country. The buzz (no pun intended) about this invasive species began during 2020, with warnings that “the native Asian species could kill off entire hives as it spread into new territory, decapitating local bees and feeding the leftover thoraxes to their young.”
More than three-quarters of UK universities have pledged to exclude fossil fuel companies from their investment portfolios, according to campaigners.
The move, which is part of a wider drive to limit investment in fossil fuels, follows years of campaigning by staff and students across the higher education sector.
The Montana Supreme Court upheld a district court ruling that the state’s children have a “fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment,” while revoking two Montana statutes. The ruling includes carefully analyzing state energy policies to keep them from damaging the climate.
After a new law was passed this year, 1.5 million residents in Germany opted to install solar panels on their balconies. “Manufacturers say that installing a couple of 300-watt panels will give a saving of up to 30% on a typical household’s electricity bill. With an outlay of €400-800 and with no installation cost, the panels could pay for themselves within six years.” In Spain, where ⅔ of the population lives in apartments, they have taken note.
Great news for birds: in response to increasing public demand, the fashion industry is moving away from using real feathers in their designs. This move signals a shift toward more ethical and sustainable practices in the industry. The decision to replace real feathers with faux alternatives also aligns with a broader trend of increased sustainability in fashion.
We hope these stories have brightened your day as much as they did ours. If you would like to create your own positive environmental news, consider planting a tree today. As you go into the new year, remember: there is always a bright spot, you just have to look for it.
04/03/2025 by Meaghan Weeden
27/02/2025 by Meaghan Weeden
25/02/2025 by One Tree Planted
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07/01/2025 by Meaghan Weeden
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