Reforestation Projects: The September 2021 Update

by Meaghan Weeden September 21, 2021 3 min read

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Sustainable Agroforestry and Endangered Species Protection Across the Globe 

As summer fades and fall kicks off in the northern hemisphere, we're excited to share a Reforestation Update that's chock-full of project stories and interesting facts to brighten your day. From India and Costa Rica to Brazil and Ghana, tune in for a fresh-from-the-field update courtesy of our awesome forest ambassadors Kyleigh and Nicole!

Here's Our September 2021 Reforestation Update

Want to Learn More About the Projects We Featured This Month?

In India,  we've recently begun a 4 month initiative to plant 250,000 trees across 12 districts in Punjab, India. To reduce transportation costs and ensure a high survival rate, our local partners are growing and nurturing the seedlings in own nurseries. And throughout the planting, they will provide technical support to the villages during site preparation and planting — and provide post-planting support for up to 3 years afterwards. This includes watering, manure application, and replanting when necessary.

The plantings will improve soil quality, reduce erosion risk, increase groundwater resources, reduce the Urban Heat Island effect, reduce pollution by establishing carbon sinks, and more! The project will engage local communities by creating awareness and motivation among youth clubs & village panchayats. 

This month, we're wrapping up our Costa Rica project in the Puntarenas y Guanacaste region. This 10,000 tree planting project was developed in the Coastal Maritime Zone, which is defined as the first 200 meters inland from the high tide line. 

Historically, these areas were covered by healthy forests, but in the last century, many of them were cut down by the livestock industry. Today they are no longer used for livestock and are in the public domain, but the invasion of exotic grasses has rendered natural forest regeneration impossible.

This project will provide direct income generation, reduce the impact of coastal erosion, promote social responsibility in the public and private sectors, and more!

In Brazil, we've just begun planting 100,000 trees across the state of Acre, located in the southwest region of the Brazilian Amazon. This area is occupied by many riverside and traditional communities, who live in a condition of social vulnerability due to limited opportunities for education, health, and family income generation. This initiative aims to promote soil recovery and sustainable development in the region by implementing Agroforestry Systems using commercially and ecologically valuable species.

The project will take place in the municipalities of Sena Madureira and Brasileia, and in four Conservation Units. The intention is to link soil recovery with the generation of social and economic benefits for local communities, reducing pressure on forests and protecting biodiversity.

In the North Bandai Forest Reserve of Ghana's Ashanti region, we're wrapping up our project planting 100,000 bamboo plugs. Bamboo offers planting benefits unlike any other because of its rapid yet permanent canopy growth. This bamboo planting project will reap benefits like micro-climate control, rainfall control, reduced soil erosion, long-term job creation, forest fire prevention, and more! 

punjab india nursery reforestation

see you next month! Miss us already? Check out the One Tree Planted Youtube channel for more awesome videos. And don't forget: we have plenty of other awesome tree planting projects like these. Support reforestation today!

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