Our 2023

Planting Report


Get the 2023 ReportRead the News Release

Our Impact in 2023

2023 was an important year for One Tree Planted.

 We proudly planted 51.9 million trees, spanning 160,038 hectares (395,462.5104 acres) across 394 projects in 72 countries.


Trees Planted


Hectares Restored







Every region we plant in is as unique as the wildlife and people who call it home, but what holds true no matter where you go is that reforestation changes lives for the better. From the Quenya Reymi festival high in the Andes mountains to community forests across England's countryside and koala habitats in Australia, we take daily inspiration from the grit, fortitude, and creativity of our reforestation partners and the communities they work with. 

As we head into 2024, we will continue to be a leader in reforestation efforts. We're excited to continue growing our strategic global partnerships, driving a new phase of growth in the reforestation space.

But first, let's dig in and celebrate all that we accomplished together in 2023!

A Year in Review

Every year, we are proud to share what we have accomplished, together. And while tree planting numbers are the simplest way to communicate the scale of reforestation impact, our work is informed by the understanding that reforestation is about more than planting trees. And we take that very seriously.

Every tree we plant represents hope for a greener future. In addition to creating important environmental benefits, our projects provide jobs, training, nutritious food sources and other life-changing resources to the communities that need them the most. 

In 2023, we worked with 315 planting partners through 394 projects in 72 countries. Through these projects, 242,458 farming families were supported, 5,336 women were involved, and 6,939 jobs were created.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the essential community benefits that reforestation can provide. In all our projects, tree species are carefully selected to ensure a balanced, long-lasting impact on nature and communities.

Read the full report to learn more about the impact we had in 2023!

A word from

Our project managers worldwide


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Join Us in Cultivating a Brighter Future


Kula Project stands as a distinguished and long-lasting partner in our mission to combat poverty through community empowerment and entrepreneurship training. The organization focuses on bolstering household businesses and livelihoods, working collaboratively with coffee communities in Rwanda.

Our collaboration with the Kula Project, initiated in 2019, marks one of our foundational partnerships in Rwanda. Over the years, we have jointly planted more than 600,000 trees and supported Kula Project's Fellowship programs. Notably, we supported their 15th-month fellowship program, benefitting more than 200 coffee-farming families each year. This program equips participants with essential inputs and training, thereby enhancing their coffee farms and overall harvests, leading to increased income.

Peace Grace - Regional Project Director

In collaboration with the Kula Project

Continued Collaboration



Our partnership with WRI continues to grow. This year, we were honored to collaborate with them on the implementation of TerraFund for AFR100 Phase 1, allowing us to design and manage a first-of-its-kind continent-wide restoration program!

Bezos Earth Fund


Thanks to our partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, we're planting 4.1 million trees through 15 projects in 9 Southeast US states over the next 3 years to restore historic Longleaf Pine ecosystems. We're excited to see where this partnership grows!

Bezos Earth Fund

Planet Women

From co-hosting a webinar on International Women'sDay to enriching our Terrafund for AFR100 projects with a powerful fellowship program, working together with Planet Women allows us to provide opportunities for women, and promote gender equality — which so often goes hand in hand with restoration work.

Osa Conservation

Osa Conservation

We're proud to work with OSA, who have started a widespread citizen science network to help support the long-term survival of tropical species, generate basic scientific information for 120 species, and more!

Borders Forest Trust

Borders Forest Trust

Reviving the Wild Heart of Southern Scotland with Borders Forest Trust, we're repairing centuries of overgrazing, bringing back native woodlands and restoring biodiversity.

Our Photos from 2023

Tree saplings at nursery in Brazil
Planting saplings
Tree planting volunteers
Tree planting site
Heading to tree planting site
Monarch Butterflies
Tree saplings being transported in Latin America
Tree planting
Tree planter showing tree roots
Saplings ready for planting

Ready to make a
greater impact in 2024?


Ready to make a greater
impact this year?
